Sunday, October 10, 2010


Mat and I moved into a little house in Whitefish after arriving back from Alaska, its quite cute and cozy and whenever someone wants to visit we are ready for you!!

We have a yard!!!!

Our leaky garage

A funky shelf in our bedroom...

Her Royal Spoiledness

Please note the large television on the otherside of the room before it was reconfigured it took up a large chunk of space making it difficult to navigate through the living room...I almost cried

Storage room/ Guest bedroom...Don't ask me where the guest will go( Fear not Mom and Dad it will be cleaned up before you arrive!)
Our claw foot tub...very cool, unless you enjoy taking showers in which case it sucks since the shower is not in working order.

Well thats all Folks

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Neighbors!?!?!

A whole herd of Mule Deer were running down our street, this one decided to stay and have a tasty treat.